Ambassador ‘s introductory word

It is my pleasure to comment on the cooperation between our Embassy in Jakarta and the Yayasan Bohemindo organization.

Since taking office, I have had the opportunity to build upon my predecessor’s work and familiarize myself with the operations of this non-profit Czech-Indonesian entity and initiate concrete cooperation in deepening contacts between individuals and legal entities from both Indonesia and the Czech Republic.

The cooperation spans various areas – from art, culture, and education, consisting of connecting actors on both sides.

The goal of our beneficial cooperation was, is, and I believe will continue to be, helping to implement various projects – such as publishing Konstantin Biebl’s book “With the Ship that Delivers Tea and Coffee” or producing and organizing the traveling cult exhibition “Czechs in Indonesia.”

Bohemindo has proven to be a suitable link between our office and the broad spectrum of our expatriate community in Indonesia, as well as an active mediator of various information flowing from us to our fellow citizens staying briefly or longer far from their homeland.

It is gratifying that in the emerging era of advanced new digital world of artificial intelligence, Bohemindo has responded to the inexhaustible desire of all of us to discover everything new by creating the “Chatbot Bohém” application, which I believe will enrich the already high-quality services that Bohemindo offers to its users.

I have no concerns and am instead convinced that Bohemindo will continue to surprise all its supporters with something new in the future and thus contribute to greater satisfaction for all of us on the path to even greater understanding of Indonesia and the diversity of life in this beautiful Southeast Asian country.

Jaroslav Doleček November 15, 2024 in Jakarta

Dear compatriots, dear visitors of the Republic of Indonesia,

The idea of ​​preparing a common information platform, the “Bohemindo” website, continued the registration of “YAYSAN Bohemia Indonesia”, a non-governmental non-profit organization with the ambition to capture and, if possible, advertise the activities of the expatriate community in Indonesia and their supporters. It can be seen as a voluntary communication and information platform for expatriates, tourists and long-term travelers.

The idea of ​​preparing a common information platform, the “Bohemindo” website, continued the registration of “YAYSAN Bohemia Indonesia”, a non-governmental non-profit organization with the ambition to capture and, if possible, advertise the activities of the expatriate community in Indonesia and their supporters. It can be seen as a voluntary communication and information platform for expatriates, tourists and long-term travelers.

Its priority is to share information about the common plans and activities of our community in each region, to provide experience, the information that is demanded and adequate to the needs not only of our fellow citizens working and residing in the most populous Muslim country in the world.

It can facilitate the exchange of information between users even in the event of distress or extreme extraordinary natural phenomena and calamities. In this sense, it should not alternate the existing official information platforms of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Embassy of the Czech Republic working towards Czech citizens, but rather bring the official and up-to-date information to the end user in a quick and simple way.

The system of utilization should be aimed at mapping the activities of all who, regardless of their stay in Indonesia, decided to voluntarily engage in expatriate cultural and other events regardless of their country size and place of realized activities. I believe that many of us will appreciate the possibility of exchanging up-to-date social and other information.

In this sense, not only the sites that are up and running can play an unmistakable role. Time is our only real property and our successful personal history is our most valuable personal property. Our platform, our past, our present, and our future could help us to map and, in a way, gradually connect.

Fulfillment of the project would not have been possible without the helping hand of Mr M. Wasserbauer, his wife, and some others who, with great insight and emphasis, offered them support, knowledge of the environment and a helping hand to achieve today’s potential. We cannot but thank for raising the issue, for the initiative in addressing the issue of institutionalization of the expatriate movement beyond the traditional and long-term existence of the informal grouping “PEPÍČEK”.

I am pleased to express my full support for the steps and their gradual cultivation resulting in today’s form of interconnection of compatriots in individual regions of Indonesia. This initiative and vision has created a platform that can each of us be a partner. I believe that we managed to set the “Bohemindo” site, the “Facebook” page and the “Bohemindo WhatsApp” application as the current communication environment for the benefit of mutual information.

It is not easy to move from intention to functional reality. Thanks to all those active in this space who consider the platform to be justified in principle, the intention is purposefully fulfilled. Thus, the question and scope remains exclusively the scope and substance of communication. I firmly believe that the Embassy, ​​as one of the promoters of the vision, can continue to consult the subject with firmly established rules, together with you.

I consider the implementation of the plan to be one of the purposeful and positive steps in favor of serving all of us, our compatriots, long-term travelers, students, workers, citizens and entrepreneurs residing in the Republic of Indonesia. In a time of digital connectivity, the success of each of us, and hence our country, should be based on focused, verifiable and timely information. This idea was at the root of the idea of ​​the activities described above.

Thank you for your cooperation so far, and I believe that we will find a lasting reflection of your need and advice for the widest possible use of this approach.


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