Bohemindo participated in the celebrations of the liberation of Manila

Representatives of Bohemindo, Michal Wasserbauer and Pavel Zvolánek, participated in the commemorative celebrations of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Manila, Philippines at the end of February. As part of this event, a delegation from the Czech Ministry of Defense led by Minister Jana Černochová visited places connected with the Czech footprint left during World War II. The memorial in Capas commemorates fourteen Czechs who joined the local and American armies defending the Philippines against the Japanese invasion. Seven of these men died during World War II, and the graves of two of them are located in the American Cemetery in Manila. During her visit, Minister Černochová awarded both Bohemindo representatives with commemorative medals, and Pavel Zvolánek received a plaque for his documentation work focused on Czech citizens who participated in battles in Southeast Asia on the side of the Allied armies between 1941-1945.

Bohemindo used the visit to the Philippines for further negotiations. The foundation is planning to expand its activities from Indonesia to other Southeast Asian countries. Documentation and commemoration of the fate of our compatriots during World War II is intended to be one of the focuses of its activities in the Philippines.

Photography Jan Schejbal, Czech Ministry of Defense


Pieta at the monument to 14 Czechoslovaks who died in Japanese captivity

ZSC MO Jany Černochové na Filipíny, Capas 21. 2. 2025
památník Capas, pieta u pomníku 14 čechoslováků, kteří zemřeli v japonském zajetí
MO ČR Jana Černochová
vv ČR na Filipínách Karel Hejč
Photo by Jan Schejbal:

Pieta at the monument to the victims of World War II

ZSC MO Jany Černochové na Filipíny, Manila 22. 2. 2025
památník Manila, vojenský hřbitov, pieta u pomníku obětem 2. světové války
MO ČR Jana Černochová
Photo by Jan Schejbal:

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