Disclaimer for Bohem Chatbot (Czech and Slovak Tourists in Indonesia)
- Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, we cannot guarantee that all information is current or correct. The chatbot relies on external sources, local volunteers, and general knowledge that may change or vary over time. Before making decisions based on the chatbot’s responses, please verify critical information (such as travel restrictions, visa requirements, or health recommendations) with official sources or local authorities.
- Disclaimer: Bohem Chatbot and its creators, including Callindo Indonesia, accept no responsibility or liability for any harm, loss, injury, or inconvenience arising from the use of the chatbot’s information. Users must exercise their judgment when relying on advice or tips provided by the chatbot and make decisions at their own risk.
- Travel Warning: Please be aware that travel conditions in Indonesia may change unexpectedly due to local regulations, weather conditions, or other unforeseen events. Travelers are responsible for staying informed about travel recommendations from local or international authorities.
- Before traveling to Indonesia, always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider, especially regarding vaccinations, medications, or other health needs.
- Bohem Chatbot does not collect more data than is necessary to provide the requested service. Your personal information, such as questions asked and usage history, will be securely stored and used solely to improve the quality of the chatbot’s responses. Without your explicit consent, we will not share your personal information with third parties.
If you wish to withdraw your consent or inquire about your data, please contact our support team at info@bohemindo.com.
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